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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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Year 6

Our team this year are...

In Heron:Ms Mander and Ms Darwish

In Kingfisher: Ms Cross and Mrs Longland

In Kestrel:Mr Davies and Mrs Asare

In Eagle:Ms Hassan and Ms Thomson

SEN support: Mrs Francis


Should you have any queries please contact you child's class teacher on their class email:


Summer term pocket plan

End of Key Stage Assessments


The week starting the 9th May is the week the children will have their end of key stage assessments. The children have been working really hard at school and will continue to be given homework to help them further. We don't want your children (or you) to worry or get stressed about these assessments. Here is some information and top tips to help.

In our topic of Ancient Greece, we studied the type of pots they used and then we made our own from clay.

In English we read Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan. We acted out different parts of the story to help understand the characters so we could write our own part of the story.

School Journey and Activity Week


Scroll down the page to have a look at all the pictures from school journey and activity week.

Activity Week

Wednesday - Fish and Chips after Swimming

Thursday - Sport coach

School Journey 2021


We have arrived safely and the children have completed their first activity. They have settled in well and enjoyed a delicious dinner.  We all sat around the camp fire and sang some songs and listened to the instructors with their stories. They are all now soundly asleep.


Have a look at the pictures below to see what they have been up to.

Day Four


A cold and penultimate day! As you can see from the pictures the children are still enjoying the different activities.  After being well fed the children were eager to get back and change into their party clothes.  The children were all dressed to impress and were very excited to get back on the dance floor as were the staff!  A good day had by all.  

Day Three


It has been so wonderful to see the children enjoying all the different activities,  The weather was predicted to be wet but we had a day of sunshine.   Children have mentioned that they are enjoying the digital detox.  All the children enjoyed a quiz this evening which was great fun.  We have many photos to upload but the internet is intermittent.  As soon as we can we will upload photos.

Day Two


What a great day!  The weather has held out and the children have had another fun filled day.  The instructors have been great at ensuring the children are having an amazing time.  You can see with some children they have really had to concentrate on the activities to make the most of it.  Now we are off to Its's a knockout.....

Topic Web for Parents


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