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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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Teeny Townies Pre-School

Teeny Townies team

Manager and SENCO

Miss Deade


Pre-school Assistants

Mrs Flower- Language lead

Miss Thompson

Miss Norton

Mrs Adams

If your child is going to be 3 years old before 31s August 2025

you need to apply for a Nursery place by 7th March 2025 

Click for the link below

Nursery admissions 2025

Welcome back to the new Spring term.

This term we will be talking about

new life, plants and animals.

Please email us photos to

of you and your child with any pets or animals you have encountered. This will support interactions and communication opportunities with your child. 


Thank you to everyone who visited Teeny Townies for our Christmas Stay and Play. It was a huge success and the children were really happy to have you here. 


4 5 5 1 4 6 Visitors