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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Year 6

Home Learning - Summer Term 2

Are you looking for some new challenges to keep you busy in June and July? Are you interested in the environment, sport or music? If you are, then why not take a look at the Blue Peter 6 Badges of Summer activities? If you are interested, just follow the link for more information.

Home Debate Club every Wednesday 10:30

As part of our Smart School Council you can take part in a debate each week just like our class meetings. Please click on the link to find out more.

Mr Davies

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Mr Rockett

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video

We hope all the children in Year Six are adapting to a new way of learning.  Email the school office if you require particular assistance with any aspect of your child's learning.


Please ensure your child is reading at least 30 minutes a day. All children have had books assigned to them on Bug Club. There will be work set on Mathletics and  Don't forget to practise your times tables on TTRS and spellings on Spelling Shed.


Contact us directly

As of 20th April the following email addresses will be checked daily (Monday - Friday). They can be used for queries regarding work set, usernames & passwords, advice etc.

We are also requesting that each week you take a picture of some of the things you have been doing that you are particularly proud of (work or extracurricular) and write us a little message (either typed into the email or written and photographed) and send them to us at your class email. 


Children's reports to complete

Summer term pocket planner

Some links to help a daily structure


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