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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Week beginning 8th June

Timetable with links

The timetable below shows what work is set this week. Links are provided for each subject where available, which will guide you with your child's home learning. 


A typical week for Year 4 will have Maths, English and Reading daily. There will also be one afternoon of Science and Creative activities a week, as well as 2 PE lessons and 1 RE (Religious Education), PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), DT (Design Technology) and French a week.


Worksheets for Maths are provided on each link in the timetable. A copy of these will also be uploaded for each Maths lesson. Occasionally, there are no worksheets on the linked website, however we will still provide one that is relevant to the lesson.

Timetable Summer 2 Week 2

Monday 8th June

World Ocean Day

Today is a special day. The children in school and at home will be working on activities based on World Ocean Day. Some of these lesson will be live.

Click on the link below to discover more.

Rock Pool Ramble - watch the video and then complete a tally and bar chart on the sea creatures you spot.

How we use the ocean - using what you have learned this morning, design a creative poster on 'How we use the ocean'. Make sure you include lots of information.

Reading ebook Jazz Harper Space Explorer


Ocean creatures art

Tuesday 9th June

Creative activity if you need an idea

Wednesday 10th June

Thursday 11th June

RE - What is a Guru?

Friday 12th June

French lesson 2

Still image for this video


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