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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Writing ideally should be done daily with a focus on punctuation (full stops, capital letters, speech marks, question marks, commas and apostrophes), conjunctions (but, because, when, if, so etc), prepositions and adverbials of time, place and cause, handwriting and spelling. Most importantly your child’s writing should make sense; if it doesn’t, read it out loud and edit together!

Here are some ideas for writing tasks:

  • A daily diary
  • A book review
  • A letter to a friend
  • A persuasive letter about a topic of interest (climate change, school uniform, plastic use ect)
  • A set of instructions for washing your hands safely … or instructions for anything else!
  • A recipe for your favourite healthy snack
  • A fact file about your favourite author or artist
  • An information booklet or non-chronological report on a topic of interest to your child
  • A letter to your future self to be looked at in 20-25 years explaining what is happening and what you think you will be doing in 25 years time (job, house, children, car etc)
  • A news report – perhaps get some ideas from watching Newsround everyday
  • A character or setting description from a well-known story
  • A character description of a character they make up
  • A story to included their character
  • A diary entry for a famous person, Roman soldier or a character from a story
  • A retell of a story they have read or programme/film they have watched
  • Write a poem (narrative poem, acoustic, Haiku, rap etc)
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar to do at home

Spelling -sure and -ture

Prefixes un-, mis-, in-, dis-

Punctuation Revision


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