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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Tuesday challenge

Week 1 Summer 2 - Welcome in Summer 2 term. We're really excited about today's challenge.


We would like you to draw a letter to us. Draw best 1,2, or 3 things that happened during lockdown (maybe parents could write what children choose and what they say about the things they draw), sign the letter with your name, fold the picture, put it in an envelope and send it to us :) - if you come to school, just bring it with you one day. If you're staying at home - you can leave it in the school office or send it by post.


We're looking forward to hearing from you all.

Week 3 Summer 1 - one medium acorn, half a sycamore leaf, daisy petals, we won't ask a chief; stir the mixture with a part of a feather, it will make you sing forever! That's my potion :) Would you like to create your own?

Week 2 Summer 1 - As we're talking about birds this week, it would be nice to help them grow and prepare a healthy snack for them

Week 1 Summer 1

This week's topic is How people grow. So we would like you to think of who you want to be when you grow up :) Then you can dress up as that person or draw yourself, and then upload the picture on EY log. We're excited to find out who you will become and why :)

Week 2 - this week we would have been talking about Easter and making Easter decorations so we would like to encourage you to make a Happy Easter card and post it or send o photo of it to your friends or family. If your family doesn't celebrate Easter, you can make a Happy Spring card for your friends or family

  Week 1 of Home Learning

Today's challenge is .....

 To read or watch some of the stories we've covered this term and draw your favourite character. You can upload your pictures on EY log so we can see them :)

* The Gruffalo

* Day monkey, night monkey

* Zog

* On the Moon

* Aliens love underpants

* Harry and the bucketful of dinosaurs



If you'd like to make some playdough at home, there's a simple recipe:

2 cups of flour

1 cup of salt

4 tablespoons of cream of tartar

2 tablespoons of oil

2 cups of boiling water

food colouring and vanilla extract - optional


Place all ingredients in a bowl. Mix together well. Knead until smooth. Store in a sealed container.



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