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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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30 Hours Nursery places

Isleworth Town Primary school offers extended Nursery hours for eligible parents. All three and four year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours of free childcare and early education a week for up to 38 weeks a year. Eligible working families are now also entitled up to an additional 15 hours - 30 hours in total. Children can access these entitlements in school nursery classes, private day nurseries, pre-school playgroups and with childminders. Our school Nursery offers these additional hours.


Please visit our admissions page for more information or visit to check your eligibility.  If you would like to speak to someone regarding Nursery admissions please call the school on 0208 560 5701.


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