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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Mayan Workshop - Giraffe Class were transported back in time to the Mayan Civilisation. Can you spot the King?

In RE this half term, we are focusing our learning on Dharma/Buddhism. We learnt about the practice of meditation through Buddha's teachings. Here are Gazelle Class practising chocolate meditation... Yum!

During our topic of Day and Night, in Geography, we learnt about imaginary lines of the Earth. Here is Gazelle Class showing off their learning on maps with keys,

We have had a very 'hands on' approach to Maths in Year 3 this year :-) Take a look at some of the more practical Maths that Gazelle Class have completed!

Giraffe Class Art - Torn Paper Landscapes based on the work of Ted Harrison

Practical Maths in Giraffe Class


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