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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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From Monday 1st June the following email address will be checked as regularly as we can around daily teaching. It can be used for queries regarding work set, usernames & passwords, advice etc.


While you are home learning we are also requesting that each week you take a picture of some of the tasks you have been doing that you are particularly proud of (work or extracurricular) and write us a little message (either typed into the email or written and photographed) and send them to us on EY Log.


Thank you for all your support and please stay safe. Mrs Beadle & Mrs Shah

Every Life Matters

Please read this story to prepare your child for their return:

The dentist spoke to us about ways which we can keep our teeth healthy.

PC Justice visited us and spoke to us about how the police help to keep us safe.

Hanukkah Parent Talk


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