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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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Friends of Isleworth Town (FIT)

FIT Newsletters / Latest events info

                                        FIT (Friends of Isleworth Town)


FIT is the parents’ association for Isleworth Town School. You don’t have to apply - as a parent or carer you are automatically a member.

FIT aims to raise money to buy additional resources for the school and children and it does this by arranging social events for both children and parents.   Each year these usually include quiz nights, cake sales, children’s discos and the Christmas and Summer Fairs.
We always need new parents to become involved with FIT by helping at events, donating items, making and baking or attending meetings.   Perhaps you are interested in becoming a class rep? Even if you can spare only a little time occasionally, your help will be much appreciated.
You can contact FIT on, through the school office or via your class rep.
Did you know you can donate anytime to help our school?  Go to ParentPay and find the 'Payment Items' Donation. 



5th December - Toy Fair






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