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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Teeny Townies Pre-School

Welcome to

Teeny Townies Pre-School!

We understand that entertaining your pre-schoolers at home may be difficult.

The Early Years are all about learning through play and experiences. Here are some relaxed, easy ideas of activities and games to do at home!



Reading with your children is important. It helps to develop language and attention skills, exposing your children to as much language as possible!

A little message to all you amazing Teeny Townies children! We miss you!

In the Early Years, learning happens through play! For example, if a child is playing with trains, we will talk about how many trains there are, the noises trains make or where the trains might be going!

In Teeny Townies, we plan this learning based on children’s interests. For example, a child who is tipping boxes onto the floor, we provide them with a filling and emptying activity with water or rice/pasta. Something which will provide that sensory experience that they were looking for through tipping out the boxes.


Home learning is a challenge and we want to reassure you that you are doing a great job and to not feel any pressure in providing rich learning opportunities for your children. Children in Teeny Townies will learn through things they do everyday, it’s just about knowing how to maximise those opportunities in order to provide that learning.

Below are the areas of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). In each area is a little bit of information about each area and some activities which you can do at home with your children.

Please read the below Social Story to your child if they are returning to school

Below are some pictures to show what we got up to in our first week back at school!

We learnt all about how to and the importance of washing our hands, making sure we wash away all the germs! We must use soap!


The children adapted so well to all the changes we made at school. Including how the classroom looks, sitting a distance away from our friends at lunchtime and not sharing too many resources.


Well done Teeny Townies for adapting to all the new rules at school!

Our first week back at school and learning how to social distance!

Small Group time


Our small group time is a sensory song and rhyme time! We sing our hello song and the children take turns to choose a song from the board. 


The children in Teeny Townies love singing and joining in with all the actions!

Below is a list of songs which the children enjoy the most. Try and make them as fun and active as possible!

Recycled Hanging Mobiles

Sensory Bottles

Musical Shakers


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