Year 1
Welcome to Year One!
Welcome to our Year One web page. You will find contact information for your class, curriculum information and some lovely photos of what we have been up to!
The Team
Sarah Tucker- Rabbit Class Teacher and Year Group Leader.
Joan Love- Rabbit Class Teaching Assistant
Lucy Howe- Hedgehog Class Teacher
Fabienne Vincent- Hedgehog Class Teaching Assistant
Karen Daniels- Robin Class Teacher
Bernadette Way- Robin Class Teacher (Fridays)
Jo Butler- Robin Class Teaching Assistant
We are also fortunate to have a number of SEN assistants to support some of our children across the year group.
Contact Us
We are happy to speak with you if you require support with anything. Where possible please try to see us at the beginning or end of the day so we can deal with any issues promptly. We are always available at the classroom door. If this isn't possible you can contact your child's class teacher using the email below.