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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Welcome to the Year 1 Page

Welcome to Year One!


Our Team this year are

In Hedgehog: Miss Haws, Miss Barrow & Mrs Sharma

In Robin: Mrs Daniels, Mrs Morgan & Ms Vincent

In Rabbit: Mrs Newton, Mrs Sharma & Ms James

In Robin: Miss Page & Ms Butler


Should you have any queries please contact you child's class teacher on their class email:

Photo gallery

The Queens

Eid celebrations

Then we made lanterns.

After we made mobiles

Finally we made pray mats.

We had a fabulous Diwali day. Special thanks to Reyansh's mum for telling us about their celebrations

The toy fair

Our Christmas jumpers


We thought that these were all so fantastic we wanted to share them with you!

A big thank you to our parent helpers who supported the children to achieve their planned puppets.


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