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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Supporting Children Worried About Terrorism

It is important that we are proportionate in dealing with the potential terrorist threat, in particular when we are talking to children. Although there is a risk of being involved directly in an incident, the more likely risk is that a school trip will have their travel disrupted and parents of course will be worried. We take into account this risk as part of our off-site visit planning.

Advice from the Metropolitan Police is to "continue with your plans as usual. Please be vigilant, but be alert, not alarmed".

In a major event, we will keep parents informed and reassured via texts.


Resources to help support children:
Supporting children after the London Bridge Attack (Lgfl)

Advice if you’re upset by the news (Newsround)

Supporting children worried about terrorism (NSPCC)

How to talk to children about terrorism (The Conversation)

Age Appropriate Support Guideposts Following a Traumatic Event – Parry and Oldfield

Recognising the terrorist threat (HM Govt.)

Coping with stress following a major incident (NHS)


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