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Isleworth Town Primary School

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This half term our science topic is Rocks, Soils and Fossils. Science learning will take place for the first 3 weeks before moving onto Geography. Where possible, sheets should be printed but work can be completed in purple text books if necessary. Remember to date your work and write a title. 


There is a powerpoint to go through with your child to support them when completing the activity.


Home discussion questions 

Rocks, fossils & soils
What if there was no soil?
How many different kinds of rock can you find in your home or see from your window? How are they similar or different to each other? Don’t worry if you don’t know their names!
How do we know about animals that lived in the past?

You can find some more useful science websites and fun science experiment ideas from our science lead teachers on the science curriculum page of the school website.


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