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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Each week is organised into lessons for Monday through to Friday. There will be guidance or a presentation to help you teach the content and then either questions within the guidance for your child to complete or a worksheet for your child to complete. Friday's lesson is a spelling test either from the Year 3 common exception words, our History and Geography topic or related to the SPaG from the week. The spellings are divided in 2, six spellings and ten spellings. Practice the spellings everyday and ensure the children understand the meaning of the words, if not use a dictionary to find the meanings.


Activities may be organised into 3 levels:

Red is for those who are unconfident with this topic

Green is for those who are confident with this topic

Blue is for the confident learners who are expecting extra challenge

You are only required to complete 1 level per lesson.


When writing in the purple text books for English there are a few things to remember:

- neat cursive handwriting (capital letters bigger than the smaller letters and writing on the line with finger spaces)

- write the long date and underline it and underline the title for the lesson. 

- capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, for names of proper nouns (names and places) and when using I

- use a range of punctuation such as full stops, commas, speech marks, exclamation marks and question marks


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