Living things and their habitats
Week beginning 20th April:
Week beginning - Monday 27th April
This week we will be doing some more classifying of animals using a key. Children have completed a similar activity at school so this should not be something new.
Choose an environment and then complete the tick sheet using the pictures to help get all the information about the animals and plants correct.
Then try to create a question key that can be followed through to identify each animal. There is an example of this in the powerpoint.
Lesson 3 - Week beginning Monday 4th May 2020
Have a look at the explanation sheet below, we would like you to create your own classification key. It doesn't have to be about plants or animals just something that you can classify by using yes or no questions. My example on the worksheet may surprise you! Good luck and I wonder who can classify the best thing?
Classification explanation and example
Lesson 4 - Week beginning Monday 11th May
Have a look at the power point below about how we classify animals. Carefully read how we categorize them into different groups. Use the cut out sorting cards to present in your own way how to group all the different creatures. You could make headings and place living things under them or create a poster with some different creatures in. Be as creative as you like...
Classifying animals
Dangers of changing environments
Lesson 5 - Week beginning 18th May
The final lesson for this science unit links closely to the topic work and changes to animals environments, use the link below to this weeks topic lesson (5) about the dangers of changes to environments.