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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 29th June
Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 22nd June
Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 15th June
Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 8th June

In this week's lesson, I want you to demonstrate how much of your Year 4 learning about coasts you can remember. Last year we learned how coasts were formed, the stages a coast would go through before it finally disappears. 


Your task is to draw a coast that shows us all four stages a coast will go through. If you are feeling confident, then you can include some popular tourist attractions in the picture. These could be activities that will attract tourists to visit or jobs that local people have in the job. 


Annotate your picture with words such as: arches, stacks, stumps, caves, cliff and any other key features of a coast that you can remember.  

Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 1st June
Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 18th May
Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 11th May
Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 4th May
Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 27th April

Our Globe - Resources, trade links and land use

Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 20th April

Our Globe - Resources, trade links and land use

Topic and wider curriculum lessons W/B 30th March


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