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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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School Meals

Our school meals are supplied by our new caterers, Cucina.  A copy of their menu can be found below. 

The Mayor of London has extended the offer of free school meals to all children from Reception through to Year 6 until 2025.  This means that all lunches are free and there is no cost to you.


The Mayor of London's offer for free school meals is separate from free school meals that were previously offered to families who were in receipt of benefits.  Schools can receive an additional amount of money if parents and carers are in receipt of certain benefits;  this is called the Pupil Premium Grant. We encourage all families to apply as this will enable school to receive the extra funding. 

It will also mean that your child will be entitled to a reduction of the price for trips, music tuition and after school clubs. You will also be eligible for Activity and food vouchers during the school holidays.   To apply for this, please see the link below.


If your child wishes to have a packed lunch please ensure there are no sweets or fizzy drinks included.   As we do have children and staff with nut allergies, please do not send anything into school in their packed lunch containing nuts.

For more information on healthy packed lunches please visit Change 4 Life page


Please see link below to apply. 

Letter to parents regarding extension of UFSM by Mayor of London until 2025


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