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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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13th July- 17th July

Friday 19th June

Maths w/c 1st June

Tuesday 2nd June

Friday 5th June

Maths Lessons w/c 18th May

Monday 18th


Tuesday 19th
Wednesday 20th
Thursday 21st
Friday 22nd
Maths Lessons w/c 11th May
Monday 11th
Tuesday 12th May
Wednesday 13th May
Thursday 14th May
Friday 15th May
Maths Lessons w/c 4th May
Monday 4th
Tuesday 5th
Wednesday 6th
Thursday 7th
Maths Lessons w/c 27th April
Mathletics has been set for this week too. If you need login details then please contact your teacher through the class email.
Monday 27th
Tuesday 28th 
Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th
Friday 1st May
Maths work W/B 20th April

Guidance for maths work

Maths work W/B 30th March


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