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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Growing Seeds

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3 - no changes yet!

Day 5 - Can you spot any tiny green leaves?

Day 6 - The rocket seeds are doing well. Can you spot the root growing from the seed?

Day 7 - Can you spot a new plant growing?

Day 8 - How many rocket and beetroot plants can you see growing?

Day 9 - Can you spot any differences between the beetroot and rocket plants?

Day 10 - Can you guess which plant will appear next?

Day 11 - Can you see the carrot plants starting to grow?

Day 12 - Which plant do you think will grow next?

Day 13 - If you look carefully you can see the squash and courgette plants pushing up through the soil.

Day 14 - Can you see the seed case on top of the squash plant?

Day 15 - the two new plants have grown so much!

Day 16 - What has changed?

Day 17 - what do you think will grow next?

Day 18 - Can you see the apple seeds have started to grow?

Day 19 - What changes have you noticed?

Day 20 - The squash plant is already 10cm tall!

Day 21 - What differences can you see between each of the plants?

Day 22 - The apple plants are growing well now.

Day 23 - Can you see how the leaves on each plant are different?

Day 24 - The biggest leaf on the squash plant is 8cm wide now!

Day 25 - The plants are getting really big now!

Day 26 - Have you been growing anything at home? Send your teacher a photo of anything you have managed to grow.

Day 27 - Which plants haven't grown at all? Why do you think that might be?


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