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Toucan Gallery

Welcome to Toucan Class 2020 -2021

Miss Kirby and Miss Fothergill

HISTORY: Victorian Day! We all really enjoyed experiencing what life was like as a child in a Victorian School. (NOTE - NO children were harmed - it was all an act and a lot of fun was had by all!) I must say it was really exhausting being so strict!

SCIENCE: We played Snakes & Ladders with a twist as we learnt about Gravity (a force which pulls objects towards the centre of the earth). We weren't allowed to use our hands to roll the dice, instead we had to suck up the foam dice through a straw (creating a pulling force against the pull of gravity) We had a lot of fun during this lesson.

PSHE - Anti-Bullying Week & Odd Socks Day! This year the theme is United Against Bullying and we showed our understanding by creating a jigsaw puzzle containing ways in which we can make a difference to stop bullying. We wore odd socks to show everyone that all of us are unique and that we need to accept one another and our differences.

Halloween Dress up - as the children weren't able to go Trick or Treating due to COVID-19, we gave the children permission to dress up at school. We saw some fabulous costumes this year.

Sponsor Walk/Run - well done to our Toucans for doing 21 laps around our running track! So proud of you all x

ART - We created a mixed media version of a pomegranate. In our class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class, we learnt that a pomegranate was a gift that was given by the narrator to the refugee kid, Ahmet, to remind him of home.

Autumn art: we made some beautiful autumn artwork in class using leaf stencils and pastels.

Science: Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about ways in which to separate mixtures. We've focused on Dissolving, Filtering, Sieving and Evaporating. Ask your children about what they have learnt, as we have been conducting experiments so that they can share their understanding and experiences with you.

Five - Day WALKING challenge: Well done Toucans! We did 216 journeys to school and back from the 5th - 9th October.

We've been reading Macbeth (the Scottish play!) these past few weeks. Here are some of us acting in role as Macbeth, Banquo and the 3 weird sisters.

Ways to show our feelings and emotions - at school we've introduced a new aspect to behaviour policy called 'Zones of Regulation' and we learnt all about how we can express and show our emotions. Here are some of the members of our class portraying some excellent facial expressions! We want to ensure that we remain in the Green Zone throughout the school day.

As part of our BASICS board, we made these beautiful rainbows and shared ways in which we can stay safe at school.

PSHE - BASICS (Belonging, Aspiration, Safety, Identity, Connection, Success!) In our first week back in Year 5, we put together this beautiful display in our classroom.


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