Science ideas for Y1 Home Learning
Week beginning 30.3.20
Science - Signs of Spring
Read through the information in the Spring Science lesson document.
Either print the worksheet or do the activities straight into your homework book.
Then try the odd one out challenge.
Spring Science Lesson
Woodland Trust Spring resources
Week beginning 20.4.20
Science - Plants
Read through the information in the Plants Science lesson document.
Either print the worksheet or do the activities straight into your homework book.
Working scientifically - observing changes over time
Mrs Langdown is not well known for her gardening skills but during lockdown she has found some seeds at home and will try to grow them for you to observe if you don't have any of your own to grow. Check back here for daily photos of how the seeds are growing and changing. See if you can tell someone you live with what you have noticed about the changes. Perhaps you can make a prediction about what you think will happen? You could write a diary entry each time you notice something new.