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Isleworth Town Primary School

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Teeny Townies Pre School (2 year olds)


Apply now - You could be eligible for FREE childcare!


Registration application form- Please complete and return with a copy of your child's Birth Certificate and pass port

How to apply


If you are interested in joining our Teeny Townies community you must first fill out the registration form which is below, and return it alongside a copy of your child's birth certificate and passport.

Once you have filled out the form, please send it back via email to


This will place you onto our waiting list and you will be contacted by the Pre-School Manager with information on availability and waiting times please allow upto 10 working days for this response.

Welcome to Teeny Townies


Pre-School Manager: Miss Deade


Welcome to Teeny Townies! We know that as a parent you know your child far better than anyone else so we strive to build positive relationships with you throughout your child’s time here. We encourage and welcome our families to be involved in their child's journey with us throughout their pre-school year.

The environment plays a very important role in supporting and extending your child’s learning and development; we are really proud to be able to offer this in our purpose built, Early Years building which provides a very stimulating environment.


Your child’s learning will be based around play that is fun and exciting and our activities will cover the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Through child and adult led activities. The prime areas of focus are:

  • Communication and Language

  • Physical Development

  • Personal, Social and Emotional


We also include the Specific areas such as:

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design.


Included below is the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework booklet that contains more information about these areas and how we support your child’s learning and development, alongside the Birth to five guidance we encourage you to echo this approach at home to support your child's learning and progress.


Upon starting at Teeny Townies, your child will be allocated a key person who will ensure that your child’s learning and care is tailored to their individual needs enabling them to share any successes or concerns with you, the Key person will be able to monitor and tailor the learning environment to support your child's stage of development.

Most children settle happily into pre-school within a week or two. However, some children can take a little longer, please do not worry about this – it is quite normal. You are welcome to stay during the session for this settling in period. Your child will feel confident if you do.


We ask that you please inform us if someone other than yourself will be collecting your child. We operate a password system which is kept confidential between you and the practitioners at Teeny Townies. We cannot and will not let a child leave with someone who is not known to us.

Please also let us know if your child is unable to attend their session.

Congratulations to Teeny Townies. You are now an accredited Let’s Talk Together Setting. You have been recognised as providing an exemplary environment for children to develop good speech, language and communication skills by using PI strategies and the emotionally connected approach.

This has been evidenced and assessed against the following LTT Principles at a formal accreditation visit on 14th June 2023. Skilled Practitioners- Exemplary Positive interaction strategies are embedded in practise across the setting to maximise opportunities for developing communication and independent skills. Staff have used video to reflect on their own practice and develop their skills in using a range of positive interaction strategies effectively. The adults at Teeny Townies are highly skilled at using PI skills and the emotionally connected approach. The children benefit from interacting with calm regulated adults supporting their communication and social & emotional development. The children have clear models of language and many opportunities to use language.

The adults are responsive to the children and create a calm, language rich environment through consistent use of the PI language strategies and emotionally connected interactions.

The way that the space, the adults and the resources are organised indoors and out enables the children and adults to have positive interactions and therefore maximise opportunities to develop communication and independent skills as well as experience and feel or talk about a range of emotion.

The learning environment is supported by the use of rich language used by the adults. The adults use chants and songs to support children to transition from one activity to another Opportunity for Children to Gather in a Small Group A manageable approach to delivering quality small group time is in place and effective where children are grouped according to need where appropriate and when staffing will allow. This includes opportunities for children to share a book, song and rhyme/poem, chatter time, a snack/meal. Let’s Talk Together Acharya/Brace 2015 The team at Teeny Townies have worked very hard to offer small group time provision in a way where the children can access activities that are at their language level. The groups are well planned taking into account children's needs and interests and staff deployment. Strong Links with Families- Teeny Townies continue to build good strong relationships with the parents /carers. Events have been held and some have been very well attended and very popular. The LTT ‘bump into myself and my family' approach has recently taken off at Teeny Townies and parents are sending in photos of themselves. The children are enjoying seeing their photos and this increases opportunities for talking. 

Data Data is collected for 100% of the children 2 x per year to identify the children’s levels in the four areas of communication development. Data is analysed in order to inform planning for children’s individual needs and build up a year on year picture of progression of children’s developing communication skills.

A typical pre school session


4 5 3 4 6 0 Visitors