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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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Please read this story to prepare your child for their return:

A Shetland Pony came to school today.

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A little Shetland Pony came to Jellyfish Class today. Mrs Sketchley showed her around the classroom and she had a run and jump in the outside learning area. Squeaky hid in the drawer because she was a bit shocked to see a pony in her classroom. Mrs Sketchley had to roll up the new rug so the Little Pony wouldn't make a mess. Love and waves to all the Jellyfish children from Mrs Sketchley and the pony. Enjoy your Easter holiday and do try some of the Easter activities we have posted on the web site for your fun

Spring 2020

The chicks hatched and we spent the day observing and investigating them. 

The dentist came to teach us how to care and look after our teeth. Thank you from Jellyfish.

PC Justice came to visit Jellyfish Class.

World Book Day with Jellyfish Class - 2020.

Celebrating Chinese New Year, 2020.


Our first week in Jellyfish Class.


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