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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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Year 1

A message from your teachers ...

Home Learning

We are hoping that your child will complete 3-4 learning activities per day. This could be a maths sheet/activity or Mathletics, a writing activity, 15 minutes of reading and one other topic related activity.

Take part in our school art competition

Contact us directly

From Monday 20th April the following email addresses will be checked daily (Monday - Friday). They can be used for queries regarding work set, usernames & passwords, advice etc.


We are also requesting that each week you take a picture of some of the things you have been doing that you are particularly proud of (work or extracurricular) and write us a little message (either typed into the email or written and photographed) and send them to us at your class email.


We're missing you! Stay safe and well and hopefully we'll see you soon.



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