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RE Week beginning 4.5.20

Muslims all around the world are currently observing the holy month of Ramadan. Learn more about Ramadan by clicking on the link to the BBC Newsround website.

RE Week beginning 11.5.20 - What is wudu?

RE Week beginning 18.5.20 - The importance of water in Hinduism


  • Make some art work around the theme of Spring e.g. paint blossom and flower pictures, make collage pictures of chicks and nests.
  • Can you turn an empty cereal box into an Isleworth building?



  • Doing Joe Wicks' workouts on YouTube is great way to start the day. This is live at 9am but can be done at anytime of the day. 
  • Gonoodle has some fantastic dances you could try.
  • Cosmic Yoga has some lovely yoga exercises based on stories and themes.
  • Playing ball games is great if you have a garden space. 
  • Try to walk, run, cycle or scoot for your outdoor daily exercise. Try to do at least a mile a day!



Click on the link below for some PE tasks set by Mr O'Hene.


  • Can you listen to a piece of music each week and draw a picture or write about what it makes you think of? You could also say what you liked best about it. It would be great if you could choose a range of genres from different time periods. 
  • Sing at least one song every day just to cheer you up!
  • Try to clap along to the beat of a song you enjoy - perhaps you could make your own instrument to play along to it.
  • If you have an instrument in your house eg. recorder, keyboard there are lots of starter lessons on the internet to help you learn.

As One

Just because we love this song and now more than ever its message is important.
Lyrics below

As One lyrics


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