Welcome to Nursery
Nursery teachers:
Mrs A. Ciecko, Mrs N. Devlin, Ms B. Way
Early Years Practitioners:
Mr S. Brewin, Mrs C. Lawrence, Ms L. Tang, Mrs A. Thamby
A little message from Early Years to all you little superstars..
How to download you child's Learning Journey from EY log
Butterfly and Bumblebee Classes have enjoyed their time in Nursery this week. The children were super happy to see us as much as we enjoyed spending the time with them again, playing games, painting and building models together. It was lovely to see the parents, too. Next week is your learning at home week but we look forward to seeing you again on the 22nd June.
Bye Bye to Ms Way and Welcome Back to Miss Bal!
We would like to say thank you to Ms Way for being such a fantastic teacher in Nursery this year. She has worked tirelessly to support children especially during such testing times. Although Ms Way will be leaving Ladybird class, she will still be working in different parts of the school. Please don't forget to say Bye for now and see you around!
Miss Bal will be joining us as the Ladybird class teacher. Some of you may know Miss Bal, she is the Assistant Head Teacher of our school and went away last year to have her little baby. She is excited to meet you all, please don't forget to introduce yourselves when you see her at the door.
Miss Devlin our lovely Nursery teacher will continue to also be the Ladybird class teacher and we thank her for her continual hard work and support to the team, ensuring the transitions for children have been smooth.
Welcome back to Nursery!
Ladybird class and key worker children returned to school on Monday, June 1st. It was wonderful to see the children and their happy faces again after 10 weeks lockdown. They have grown so much! They skipped confidently into the new classroom and reacquainted themselves with their friends, teachers and environment. A few children missed their families, of course, but overall they all seemed comfortable with returning to some normality and coped with the new safety and hygiene rules well. We have some new songs to learn to help us remember the rules. Thank you to parents who respected the social distancing rules at drop off and pick up times.
Social distancing is our biggest challenge but we all tried our best, learning that with our 'rainbow arms' we can play together but not too close. Washing hands and using hand gel was key and this was done very regularly. Thankfully the weather is warm and dry at the moment so it enabled us to mostly play outdoors.
We missed the children who remain at home and hope they are still accessing the learning on the nursery website. As the nursery staff are in school teaching now, we will try our best to comment on your observations, particularly during the week we are at home. Of course, if you have any concerns please email the class directly.
Mrs Cieko and team look forward to welcoming Butterfly and Bumblebee children next week, Monday, June 8th. (Ladybirds stay at home until June 15th)
Here are a few photographs of the children playing and learning in our new environment.
Nursery drop off and pick up time
We have recorded a short video showing how the drop off and pick up time will look like.
Please drop your older child first, then come in through the Teeny Townies’ gate all the way to the Nursery door. Leave your child’s belongings on the pegs and the trolley outside the Nursery. They bring their water bottle in and it stays in Nursery.
Please note your way out is through the (usually locked) gate in the Nursery playground.
Make sure you keep a 2-metre distance especially when there are other people dropping off and picking up.
A story for children about reopening of our Nursery
Week 5 and 6, Summer Term 2 - Here are the activities for home-learning for the next 2 weeks. Sadly, we cannot have a Nursery Sports Day this year, so we have planned a Sports Day at Home. We hope you have fun enjoying all the sporty activities! We look forward to seeing your achievements on EYlog.
Week 3 and 4, Summer 2 term - Please find the ideas attached. We hope to see some superheroes and their activities on EY log
Week 1 Summer 2 term - We will be publishing the planning fortnightly from now on so if it's your child's turn to be in school this week, they would follow the school planning. If they are staying at home - the online planning is for them. So to make it simplier, week commencing 1st June - Butterfly and Bummblebee Class use the online planning as Ladybird Class is doing school learning. Week commencing 8th June - Ladybird Class follow the online planning as both Butterfly and Bumblebee Class are doing school learning. Feel free to use the class email address should you have any questions or queries
Week 5 Summer 1 - This week we are learning about how frogs grow. Have a look at the ideas attached and have fun!
Week 4 Summer 1 - The very hungry caterpillar was eating and growing bigger and bigger. Let's look at the story and the activities linked to it. Have fun :)
Week 3 - this week we are learning about how plants grow and what they need to get bigger, what they look like; when you plant your seeds, please post the pictures on EY log; we can't wait to see your plants
Week 2 - This week we will be learning about how birds grow and how they change. Have a look at the activities we have prepared for you
Week 1 - Welcome back :) We hope you've had a relaxing Easter break and are all healthy and safe. Every Monday we will publish a document with weekly activities that will cover the topics that we would normally do in Nursery at that time. Please see the document for details. Have fun :)
Home Learning
We are hoping that your child will complete 2 learning activities per day (10-15 minutes per activity). At least one of which is practical Maths or one which includes children displaying early literacy skills through making meaningful marks (e.g. drawing or painting) and through communication and language talking to you about their writing.
In addition to this, at least 15 minutes of sharing stories, talking about the story/characters and listening to a story read by a fluent reader (an adult or older sibling).
You can find Maths and Literacy ideas in our Home Learning document underneath.
Please remember children in Early Years learn through a play based approach and that play is an important part of a child's early development. Through play children develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally, and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.