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Isleworth Town Primary School

Isleworth Town – a community where everyone is valued and children become kind, confident and creative learners.

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Week beginning 13/07/2020

Monday 13/07/2020

Tuesday 14/07/2020

Thursday 16/07/2020

Friday 17/07/2020

Week beginning 06/07/2020

Thursday 09/07/2020

Week beginning 29/06/2020

Thursday 02/06/2020

Week beginning 22/06/2020

Monday 22/06/2020

First, remind yourself of how and when to use parenthesis. If you feel you need further support, go back to our last parenthesis lesson (22/04/2020).

Next, complete the booklet. Answers are provided at the end of the booklet.

Thursday 25/06/2020

Week beginning 15/06/2020

Monday 15/06/2020

Thursday 18/06/2020

Week beginning 08/06/2020

Friday 12/06/2020 - Anne Frank's Birthday

Week beginning 01/06/2020

Thursday 04/06/2020

Week beginning 18/05/2020

Week beginning 11/05/2020

Thursday 14/05/2020

Week Beginning 04/05/2020

Friday 08/05/2020 - Bank Holiday

Week beginning 27/04/2020

Tuesday 28/04/2020

Friday 01/05/2020

English work W/B 20th April
Writing tasks W/B 30th Match

1 - A setting description as if you were walking through the village

2 - A diary entry as if you were living there

3 - A playscript for something that happend there

4 - A list of comprehension questions you could ask to someone who is watching the video(s)

The opening scenes are excellent for descriptive writing of settings for stories. One is a deserted village and the next is an icy landscape. This could lead to a discussion about where the Vikings were from, enabling you to learn some geography content from the curriculum. 

1 - A descriptive recount of a scene that you have seen

2 - A newspaper report of the battle

3 - A diary entry of Jotun's journey


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